The Mind Mirror
Meditation Club
January-June 2023
You may or may NOT have the Mind Mirror. The desire to meditate more and try new meditations is the only pre-requisite!
Welcome to 2023 Meditation Club with the Mind Mirror!

I am excited to announce that I followed my urge to revisit the teachings of the greatest masters of today. Each of them is an ocean to explore! I believe that just connecting with them, diving behind their voice in meditation to get a flavor (or if you are in tune - download) of their vision, is already a powerful act towards awakening and personal transformation!

I chose these meditations with intuitive guidance trying to make the next 6 months a miniature Awakened Mind Training, since we'll follow the usual Anna Wise's protocol in gradual progressive awakening: relaxing the body and calming the mind, arousing to our natural state of stillness and silence, connecting to our hearts and related state of flow, and move one with healing and manifestation of reality that we want. Like previous time, once again as we go each month, I will remind of the brainwaves as we know and see them with the Mind Mirror, devoting a program to a particular brainwave or pattern.

Whether you are an experienced Mind Mirror user and mindfulness nerd or just the beginner, refreshing or broadening your knowledge in a group of like-minded consciousness explorers is a great way to stay in touch with yourself, align your heart-body-mind and feel the unity being transformationally vulnerable but present at the same time.

If I had to give a name for the next 6 months program, I would call it "A Big Call To Mindfulness". Scroll down and see yourself what great program lies ahead! These multi-usage beautiful meditations may become new favorites in your meditation bucket for yourself and/or your clients!

To get an idea of how the session may look like, watch the sample programs below!
P.S. Stay in tune, in the second half of 2023, we plan to explore various meditative energy practices Yoga Nidra, Qi Gong, Shamanic Journey, Astral Travel, Past Life Regression and more.

Energy Perspective, Brainwaves, Meditation

Learn how the Mind Mirror Meditation Club session may look like from YouTube Premier of online class from Oxana's "Favourite Meditations" course held last year.
Oxana will be talking about Stress from the energy perspective. We will also touch the neurophysiology of stress and the brainwaves of stress, which easily can be looked at as a micromodel for life. There will be also 3 meditations introduced to help you reduce stress and prevent negative responses to potential stressors. You might have come across these meditations before but you might be curious to learn what can be seen and measured by the Mind Mirror.

Program duration: 1 hr 45 min

Akashic Records Reading
This was the plast program for 2023 and we decided to open the doors and invite everyone to our Mind Mirror Meditation Club session to try "Illuminated door" meditation by Judith Pennington. Enter the Akashic Library to read your fascinating Book of Life and revisit your hopes, desires and dreams for 2023! Don't forget your headphones to enjoy the sound! As usually, we will share our meditation experiences, meditate together and look at the brainwaves for this meditation!

Program duration: 1 hr 55 min
online meetings
January - June 2023
A miniture Awakened Mind Training: addressing all brainwaves and progressive states
with the help of meditations
from the masters of mindfulness
The answers to the questions you might have that will help you to better understand what you need and what to expect, and how it will all look like.
What if I am interested but cannot make it to online club meeting?
- If for any reason, you could not make it in time, the recording will be provided the next day (or within 72 hours) for you to catch up. Everybody is invited to share both subjective and brainwave experiences during these meditations. There will be a separate time devoted to this in the beginning of each meeting.
Do I need to be the Mind Mirror owner?
- You do not need to have the Mind Mirror to practice. You simply need to be eager to meditate. This is the key. You may learn about the brainwave's effects during these meditations from the experience of others.
Are there any benefits for the Mind Mirror users?
- If you do have a Mind Mirror, I invite you to start using it more often and check yourself what these meditations do, using the services of the Mind Mirror portal (which currently offers 10 sessions free upload).
What to expect? How will the meetings be structrured?
- We will meet same time on Saturday (or Sunday, depending on your time zone). I will give you short introduction into the topic and meditation of the day, including what effects I have observed (both subjective and in terms of brainwaves) after we try it. You will be sent a meeting recording with a link to practice the whole meditation again if you like.
Is there anything I need to do before to prepare?
- This is not necessary, but I highly recommend you to watch these three webinars below as a preparation or at any time (this hsould help you to better understand what we imply by mediutation and get better idea of the Mind Mirror readings):

1) What is Meditation?
An short version of an open forum where we share experiences and understanding of meditation

2) The Signs of Spiritual Awakening
Learn Oxana's story of awakening and brainwave patterns as seen by the Mind Mirror as you shift your perspective

3) Energy Reading and The Mind Mirror: It's All About Perspective
Learn about how to see the world through energy perspective
Can I join just one meeting?
- Yes, this is not a problem. You will find detailed descriptions of each meeting below to help you choose which one you are interested most.
Can I pay each month?
- Yes, there is a montly payment option. Choose 1-Pass to attend each monthly meeting.
Meditation Club Schedule
Online LIVE Zoom Meetings January-June 2023
January 28
@ 3pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
January 28
@ 3pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
Wecome Back into Your Body
Meditation by Jon Kabat-Zinn, an American professor emeritus of medicine, founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) . Proper deep body-scan meditative exercise from the master of mindfulness and body meditation that helps you connect with your body on another level: to feel refreshed, energized, grounded. This is part of his program currently offered by medical centers, hospitals, and health maintenance organizations to cope with stress, anxiety, pain and illness.
February 18
@ 3pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
February 18
@ 3pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
Align with Your Energy Core
Powerful meditation by Ekhart Tolle, German spiritual teacher, a master of presence and mindfulness. The essence of meditation is stillness, becoming aware of the spaces between the words, and the most important achievement in our lives is the ability to be still.
March 25
@ 3pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
March 25
@ 3pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
Enter the Flow with Heart Coherence
We will try a few meditations based on the teachings of Heartmath Institute.
Tune into heart-brain coherence and heal from the centre of your heart. Rise your vibrations and feel the unity with all that is. The kind of meditation that opens the doors to miracles in your life.
April 29
@ 4pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
April 29
@ 4pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
Create Your Reality
Expand your beliefs about yourself and the world, become the creator of your reality, connect with abundance and gratitude. Boost your mood, improve focus and productivity, levels of stress and anxiety with this every day meditation by Joe Dispenza, a doctor of chiropractic, international speaker, writer, researcher of epigenetics, quantum physics & neuroscience, famous for his belief in the power of innate intelligence and consiousness to heal oneself.
Access Zen Masters State
A powerful meditation by Dawson Church, PhD, a great teacher and master of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to access the state of Zen masters. The research (including one done with the Mind Mirror) shown a reduction in self-focus and suuffering, increase in compassion and steady never-failing resulting state of unity, oneness and bliss for this meditation.
July 1st
@ 4pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
July 1st
@ 4pm EST
Convert To Your Time Zone
Wake Up and Grow Up
The quintessence meditation of integral teachings by Ken Wilber, an American philosopher and writer on transpersonal psychology and his own integral theory, a philosophy which suggests the synthesis of all human knowledge and experience. The meditative exercise combining ancient meditative and mindfullness practice with psychology of personal transformation.
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