The Idea
These events are sponsored by the Institute for the Awakened Mind and aim to connect Consciousness Explorers, fellow Mind Mirror Users, Self-Trainers, and Practitioners, from all over the world.

Our monthly webinars network beginners and longtime Mind Mirror users in the USA, Canada, Europe, India, Australia, New Zealand, and our numbers are growing!
People are eager to learn and explore this exciting realm of consciousness with all modern technologies have to give!

Check our New Best Moments !
Meet the people who make it possible
Judith Pennington
Bath, PA, USA
Founder of the Institute for the Awakened Mind, co-designer of the Vilistus Mind Mirror 6, assistant to Anna Wise, experienced MM Practitioner & Trainer (over 12 years), journalist and author

Oxana Bondarchuk
Byron Bay Hinterland, NSW, Australia
Webinars Moderator, Certified Awakend Mind Practitioner, BCIA Certification Student, Dipl. Teacher of Psychology, Dipl. in Transpersonal Psychology, former Corporate Marketing Executive & Business Trainer

What's on this month?

All Consciousness Explorers (with or without the Mind Mirror) Welcome To
by Oxana Bondarchuk

Do you like to meditate or would you like to become a member of a group of devoted meditators to facilitate and enhance your meditation practice? How would you like an idea of monthly Mind Mirror Meditation Club where you could try a new meditation and see an example of its analysis with the Mind Mirror?

The idea of the Club is to keep doors open to everyone (not just the Mind Mirror owners) who simply wants to meditate more and learn more about what happens to our brainwaves during meditation! See what we've already shared on meditation in our previous programs in our Bonus section below. And learn how the session may look like from YouTube Premier of online class from Oxana's "Favourite Meditations" course held last year.

Oxana will be talking about Stress from the energy perspective. We will also touch the neurophysiology of stress and the brainwaves of stress, which easily can be looked at as a micromodel for life. There will be also 3 meditations introduced to help you reduce stress and prevent negative responses to potential stressors. You might have come across these meditations before but definitely you might be curious to learn what can be seen and measured by the Mind Mirror.

For YouTube Premier just open this page and scroll to see the scheduled streaming. You are welcome to leave feedback and comments (including if you are interested in joining Meditation Club) in a LIVE chat during streaming. After the Premier streaming, just email what you'd like to share to awakenedmindtraining@gmail.com.

To receive 24 and 1 hour reminders, links to meditations and additional materials, please register below.
Please register by donation or RSVP for free event(s) that you are interested in.
You will receive a reminder with a link 1 day and 1 hr before the beginning of the event.
You will also see activated
Emergency Access Link below this note just before the event.
YouTube Premier
If you are experiencing problems here and to see the Chat watch it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/R4z1C85x7RQ
Want to watch more about
meditation and spirituality?
Something you might want to know before you ask
Email your questions or proposals to: awakenedmindtraining@gmail.com
Images credit: Pixabay.com
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