All Mind Mirror Users Welcome To:
This program was initially planned to take 2 days but turned into a 4-day program spreading through March and April. Register to receive the available recordings of the previous programs and join live (or receive a recording link again) for those to come.
This program was inspired by Awakened Mind Practitioner Trainer Oxana Bondarchuk's experience of a BCIA-Australia Didactic Certification Course for Neurofeedback in Clinical Practice. This long-awaited program will introduce basic neurophysiology of self-regulation mechanisms in neurofeedback. You will learn about
- brain evolution,
- basic building blocks of the nervous system/brain and their role in self-regulation,
- 5 patterns of dysregulation addressed by neurofeedback,
- core mechanisms behind Peak Performance and Alpha-Theta neurofeedback (closest clinical analogies to the Mind Mirror Awakened Mind training),
- what modern research and science say about origin, normal/abnormal distribution and function of different brainwave categories (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Theta, Delta).
All Mind Mirror users and brainwaves surfers are welcome to dive into science and fill in the knowledge gaps and better understand why the Mind Mirror theory says what it says. All Clinical Neurofeedback experts from the Mind Mirror community welcome to double-check and complement Oxana's understanding of this complex subject.
This can be seen as a continuation of December 2021 program "12 Amazing Facts on EEG, Neurotherapy and Human Brain" (see Bonus section below).
Please register to receive reminders and invite links (24 and 1 hour before) as well as a replay notification email, if you cannot make it at the time of Zoom meeting.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We are discontinuing VIP memberships and make all the videos available to anyone interested (check our Video Gallery). This is a FREE webinar but you are welcome to donate any amount at any time, if you like and appreciate the program.