If you had a silent meditation practice before self-training with the Mind Mirror, you already know the important role that rituals play in preparing the body, mind, and spirit to enter the silent depths of meditation. And you probably went deeper because you regarded meditation as the sacred practice that it is.
Here are a few relaxation rituals—and spiritual practices—that you might wish to incorporate in your Mind Mirror self-training sessions – or use in an adjunctive silent meditation practice.
Silent meditation for 15 minutes to an hour, even if only once a week, will condition your body and brain so that your self-training EEG sessions are deeper, more profound, and produce better statistical scores in the Mind Mirror Summary.
Adding a spiritual dimension to your meditation practice will shift your brainwaves toward the Evolved Mind state of unity consciousness. No matter which of these practices you experiment with, you will find them immensely useful in calming your nervous system, reducing beta, pleasing sensory alpha, and getting you in immediate touch with your essential being in theta and spirit in delta.
Some of these step-by-step practices come from Edgar Cayce, the late, great medical intuitive and father of holistic healing in America. Cayce taught that meditation is the key to happiness, health, and conscious evolution. We agree!