IAM Founder/Newsletter Editor: Judith Pennington
Design & Artwork: Oxana Bondarchuk
August 2020
(Issue #12)
Welcome to the latest issue of "Eureka Times,"
a newsletter published by the Institute for the Awakened Mind.
You will find in each edition information, group experiments,
and event announcements on meditation and consciousness expansion.
It's our intention that "Eureka Times"
awaken the reader's mind, lift the spirit, and stimulate transformation.

Click any news box below to see the full news block!
November 2019 (Issue #11)
October 2018 (Issue #10)
January-February 2018 (Issue #9)
November-December 2017 (Issue #8)
October 2017 (Issue #7)
September 2017 (Issue #6)
July-August 2017 (Issue #5)
May-June 2017 (Issue #4)
April 2017 (Issue #3)
March 2017 (Issue #2)
February 2017 (Issue #1)
Email your questions or proposals to: awakenedmindtraining@gmail.com
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